Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
NBC 2008 Thus Far
Well as most of you know we are back at NBC and are enjoying our time here. I've been having a lot of fun cooking, baking, hosting and being here full time for Jordan. He's really glad that I'm home to take care of the place and cook for him as his work load is crazy this year. Basically his days are approx 7-8 hours and usually 6 days a week. I'll be keeping busy with the odd class and mentoring two very beautiful young women here on campus.
This weekend mom and dad Doerksen and Mike came to spend the weekend with us. We really enjoyed having them here with us. I baked a whole chicken for the first time and it turned out so well. I don't think I would have been able to do it without the advice of both mom Wiebe and mom Doerksen coaching me through.
Here are some pictures of our time here at NBC so far.....

Thanksgiving weekend at the lower point.

This was opening weekend at NBC. Jordan and the rest of StuCo were greeting everyone with Lemonade! Yumm!
This weekend mom and dad Doerksen and Mike came to spend the weekend with us. We really enjoyed having them here with us. I baked a whole chicken for the first time and it turned out so well. I don't think I would have been able to do it without the advice of both mom Wiebe and mom Doerksen coaching me through.
Here are some pictures of our time here at NBC so far.....
Thanksgiving weekend at the lower point.
This was opening weekend at NBC. Jordan and the rest of StuCo were greeting everyone with Lemonade! Yumm!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Summer Up-date
God is so Good! Our summer has been one of blessing and fun. Jordan was working at CIAM radio this summer which was a great experience for him. God stretched both of us through this in ways we never thought. I worked at both Home Hardware and Twilight Dental during the summer as a part-time secretary. In June Jordan and I went to Calgary for Kevin and Melissa's wedding. Along the way we met up with Jason and Jen as well as Bernie and Amber. I really appreciated visiting with them while we were there. On our way home we stopped in Grand Prairie to visit with family and watch the Canada Day fire works.
We are now in Nipawin back at NBC for the year. It's so good to be here again despite missing home. Jordan and I are really looking forward to what God will be teaching us about Him and who we are. This week is orientation and activities, and next week Jordan gets started on his classes. And I'm not working at IGA this year, so I'm planning on taking a few classes and helping out around campus. Yay! We know that this year will be a challenge and a blessing through the staff, classes and the students attending this year. We are in the hands of the Almighty potter being molded and made into something new everyday.

At the Calgary Zoo with Bernie and Amber

Watching Canada Day fire works in GP with family

Watching the storm come our way

Rod and Melinda

Having some fun!

Mom and I trying our hand at target practice

We went target practicing with Mom and Dad Doerksen

Here Jordan is recording a 'Messenger' to be played over the radio broadcast

This picture was taken at 4:30 am in July
We are now in Nipawin back at NBC for the year. It's so good to be here again despite missing home. Jordan and I are really looking forward to what God will be teaching us about Him and who we are. This week is orientation and activities, and next week Jordan gets started on his classes. And I'm not working at IGA this year, so I'm planning on taking a few classes and helping out around campus. Yay! We know that this year will be a challenge and a blessing through the staff, classes and the students attending this year. We are in the hands of the Almighty potter being molded and made into something new everyday.
At the Calgary Zoo with Bernie and Amber
Watching Canada Day fire works in GP with family
Watching the storm come our way
Rod and Melinda
Having some fun!
Mom and I trying our hand at target practice
We went target practicing with Mom and Dad Doerksen
Here Jordan is recording a 'Messenger' to be played over the radio broadcast
This picture was taken at 4:30 am in July
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Our Summer Thus Far
Our spring has been full of excitement. We've had a fun filled spring with family reunions, getting ourselves into a routine with we're not very good at keeping and enjoying the weather. Our second weekend home we help out at a youth weekend event called 'Spring Blast.' We had a wonderful time helping lead worship and sitting with the youth and visiting. There was such good food. The following weekend we went to YC with the Fort Vermilion youth. What a great group of people. I enjoyed watching them worship and take part in an event with hundreds of other people. Most of our group that went are first time believers and have only been serving the Lord for about a year. For them this was their first Christian youth event ever. I'm so blessed to have been able to be a part of it and to have made new friends.
Today is an exciting day for many. Good ol' graduation has come once again. I'm looking forward to sharing in this day with my beautiful sister Stacy. I'm so proud of her. So because of the wonderful event I must go and get ready.

I needed a little help with pulling back on the compound bow.

Dear sweet Kaelyn.

My very beautiful mom and sisters.

Working on our shed.

Helping Tristian watter grandma's plants.

This was the speaker Reggie Dabbs. We really appreciated what he had to say to us.

Emily with Amanda Falk.

Jordan interviewing KJ-52

Jordan, Lavisa, and Cory B. making shadows on the garage roof.
Today is an exciting day for many. Good ol' graduation has come once again. I'm looking forward to sharing in this day with my beautiful sister Stacy. I'm so proud of her. So because of the wonderful event I must go and get ready.
I needed a little help with pulling back on the compound bow.
Dear sweet Kaelyn.
My very beautiful mom and sisters.
Working on our shed.
Helping Tristian watter grandma's plants.
This was the speaker Reggie Dabbs. We really appreciated what he had to say to us.
Emily with Amanda Falk.
Jordan interviewing KJ-52
Jordan, Lavisa, and Cory B. making shadows on the garage roof.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Hello one and all!! It has been some time and I apologize. A few weekends ago the Royals hockey team from NBC went to PRBI and joined in their tournament. I was able to tag along and not only watch but also try to photograph them playing. I must say I did get some pretty good shots (hehehe) seeing how I am an armature at such. While we were near our home land mom, Tonia, Stacy and Taylor came to visit. Jordan's parents also stopped by to watch and hang out.
College is coming to an end. The next three days are exams and then grad on Sunday. This year has gone by so quickly it's pretty neat. It's been such a blessing how God has helped us through this past year. He's provided for us financially with all our vehicle expenses, and somehow paying our insurance bill in September. We still don't know what happened all we know is it was God. We've also been able to meet wonderful people here that are treasures to us both.
This summer we will be moving home and living in mom and dad Wiebe's camper while we are there. I'm looking forward to camping this summer in their back yard. Strange I know. Jordan will be working at CIAM for his internship and me, well I hope to do a lot of nothing if I can help it.
Here are some pictures of our time at the tournament. Jordan's waiting for me to join him in going for a walk. Have a wonderful day.

College is coming to an end. The next three days are exams and then grad on Sunday. This year has gone by so quickly it's pretty neat. It's been such a blessing how God has helped us through this past year. He's provided for us financially with all our vehicle expenses, and somehow paying our insurance bill in September. We still don't know what happened all we know is it was God. We've also been able to meet wonderful people here that are treasures to us both.
This summer we will be moving home and living in mom and dad Wiebe's camper while we are there. I'm looking forward to camping this summer in their back yard. Strange I know. Jordan will be working at CIAM for his internship and me, well I hope to do a lot of nothing if I can help it.
Here are some pictures of our time at the tournament. Jordan's waiting for me to join him in going for a walk. Have a wonderful day.

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Reading Week Number 2
Hi all! This is Jordan's first time blogging, so he's learning a lot of new stuff. He's also getting fairly frustrated that the pictures are uploaded upsidedown, but I guess you can look a little sideways once in a while.
Well, we just got back from a great weekend in Edmonton! We met up with Jordan's parents, his sister and two adorable kids, and his brother. We got to stay in a hotel and we got to do a lot of window shopping without really buying much, so that was fun. Valean's favorite part was going to Ikea. This was Jordan's first time going, so Valean was super excited to show him all the cool stuff, and she had fun trying to figure out how to spend her birthday money. Now we can grate cheese in style! She also got a lot of ideas for how she wants to design her kitchen, so Jordan's next job is to get her a kitchen of her own. Yay!
We got to eat a lot of food: Jordan went to the Olive Garden for the first time (yummo!) and Valean got her strawberry sensation from Orange Julius. We did not only shop and eat food, but we did enjoy visiting with family in between running after Tristian. He has a whole lot of energy. So all in all, it was a really good break from daily duldrums and wearisome work. And yes, it is time to find the bed, after a long day's drive. So take care and enjoy the pictures, even the sideways ones.

Well, we just got back from a great weekend in Edmonton! We met up with Jordan's parents, his sister and two adorable kids, and his brother. We got to stay in a hotel and we got to do a lot of window shopping without really buying much, so that was fun. Valean's favorite part was going to Ikea. This was Jordan's first time going, so Valean was super excited to show him all the cool stuff, and she had fun trying to figure out how to spend her birthday money. Now we can grate cheese in style! She also got a lot of ideas for how she wants to design her kitchen, so Jordan's next job is to get her a kitchen of her own. Yay!
We got to eat a lot of food: Jordan went to the Olive Garden for the first time (yummo!) and Valean got her strawberry sensation from Orange Julius. We did not only shop and eat food, but we did enjoy visiting with family in between running after Tristian. He has a whole lot of energy. So all in all, it was a really good break from daily duldrums and wearisome work. And yes, it is time to find the bed, after a long day's drive. So take care and enjoy the pictures, even the sideways ones.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Long Time No Post!!
Our pizza night with Home Group
My Birthday flowers
Games Night
Campfire in January
The finished product! Yummo!
Tiffany Kennedy, Brad Skeldon, and Jenna Clark baking a cake for Mark Reimer's Birthday.
Hello one and all! It's been a few months since my last posting and I'm so sorry. Jordan just made a new personal record, round 29 on the clay shooting duck hunt! He's quite proud of himself. So Bob and Darin, if you're reading this Jordan's looking for challengers. So after Christmas our computer decided it wanted to crash, and yes it does have a mind of it's own. Our hard drive quit on us while Jordan was in the middle of working on an assignment. We're thankful it happened when it did. Jordan lost one paper that he was to hand in and hadn't gotten to, I had developed my pictures from Christmas break the day before and warranty covered the repairs. The tech guys weren't able to get anything from the hard drive so Jordan had to rewrite that paper which is better than it could have been.
Life here at NBC is going well. We're really thankful that we are able to live on campus in a really nice apartment. I've been really itching to paint the place into something more personal, but as it turns out they didn't like my idea. I'm not surprised seeing how the colors I like aren't exactly their first choice. Jordan's been plugging away at his assignment for classes and all the rest that comes along with it. God's really been showing Jordan wonderful things this year and has blessed him with understanding in classes and assignments as well. I'm still working at IGA which is going well. I'm really looking forward to a break this summer when I can relax and Lord willing take on a hobby of some sort. I'm starting to wear out from working and trying to keep a house clean and feeling like a home. It's also difficult to make time to spend with Jordan when I would rather be sleeping.
Since Christmas we've had to take our vehicle in a couple times to have repairs done to it. God's amazing in providing the money for us to be able to pay for the extra expense. Last week I was told that at the last place I worked my boss hadn't paid me my vacation pay. That cheque that we'll be getting will go towards paying the expenses as well as for the gas to go to Edmonton for reading week. It's amazing to see how God had this all planed out the way He did. Jordan and I are so blessed by how God's been providing for us this year here.
Next week thursday we are heading to Edmonton for reading week. I was able to get a couple days off to be able to get away and not worry or think about work. While we're there we'll be meeting up with Jordan's family. I'm really looking forward to that. What wonderful people they are. I've been really blessed to not only marry a sweet, handsome man but that I am able to get along so well with the rest of the family. It's nice to really feel like I'm a part of them. One of the highlights of going to Edmonton is IKEA! What a wonderful store. I'm going to buy a cheese grater. I know it's a strange thing to buy but it's something we need. The second time I used the grater we have now I broke it. Either I'm just that strong or it's made that poorly.
This spring we are hoping to go home for the summer to hang out with family and friends. While we are out there we'll be leaving out stuff in our apartment which will be nice. I'm not a big fan of packing and moving things. There will be a couple of our friends that will be house sitting for us during the summer. Tim Giesbrecht will be doing his internship at the Lost River Church this summer and Andrew Gilkinson is also needing a place for the summer in between college years. This works out well for all of us.
Over the course of the year God's been teaching us some really neat and difficult things. We've been learning about the Holy Spirit (HS) and what it means to die to self. It's a hard thing to face. We've been seeing ( when I say we I mean mostly me), that there are a lot of things in our lives that we need to deal with before the HS can fully reside with in us. In saying this I don't mean that He isn't a part of my life. It's more that in order for Him to be 'president' in my life He shows me were I need to dealing with issues like hurt, bitterness, anger and so on, so He can be the center of my being. It is a difficult thing to face but it's been rewarding. This is God's working in a nut shell of our lives.
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